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A Feast of Weeds is a post-apocalyptic series set in Northern California due for release in Summer 2015:

  1. It’s about zombies, but there isn’t a single zombie in the books.
  2. When one of the heroines tries to rescue her husband she becomes infected with a virus that messes with her memories—sort of like PTSD and seeing ghosts, all-in-one.
  3. At times, this makes it very difficult to know what’s real and what’s the virus—troubles ensue.
  4. Cal Expo (California’s State Fair Grounds) makes a great dystopian refugee center, though not a very safe one in the long run.
  5. One book has turned into a novella and three novels…each book is from the POV of a different character further down the dystopian timeline—let’s just say my characters sure do know how to get themselves in trouble!

In the next few months, I’m offering free access to the first books–along with a chance to win some prizes. The catch: I’ll only be offering this to my email list.